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Image by Leonsa


The History of the Ragdoll

Ann Baker was involved with breeding cats of various breeds in Riverside California and she is the lady who started the Ragdoll during the 1960's using a white cat called Josephine of unknown ancestry who is described as being of Angora type. At some point Ann started to use a cat that looked like a Birman in her breeding programme.

Ann was a rather eccentric lady who made various claims regarding Ragdolls most of which have been disproved over the years. Ann kept a lot of information regarding what she was doing and planning to herself. She was a lady who liked to keep a tight hold on what she had created.

The name "Ragdoll" is derived from the tendency of individuals from the original breeding stock to go limp and relaxed when picked up.

The breed was officially recognised in America and called Ragdoll in 1966. The UK was the first country outside of America in 1981 to import the Ragdolls.



The Ragdoll is a large muscular Semi Longhaired cat and their fur is soft and silky but still needs regular combing and brushing. In the winter the coat is usually at its fullest with ruff and knickerbockers, in the summer most will have shorter coats.

The look of the Ragdoll should be soft and gentle, the head is broad with a flat plane between medium sized ears and large expressive blue eyes. The Ragdoll is a slow maturing cat taking 2-3 years to reach full maturity.

A fully grown neutered male Ragdoll can weigh between 11 - 18lbs with the females from 8 - 14lbs



The Ragdoll is best known for its docile and placid temperament and affectionate nature which is typical of the breed, they love human company and will follow their owners everywhere. They are good with children and other animals.

Ragdolls do not have a well defined sense of danger and for this reason should be kept as indoor only cats.


Colour and Pattern

Ragdolls colours are Seal, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac, Red and Cream with Tortie in all colours. Ragdolls come in three patterns of Colourpoint, Mitted and Bicolour. Tabby can overlay any of these patterns


The FIFe breed standard is available here





Anita Maria Brozek


Małopolska, Poland


Mob.: +48888430868




Agnieszka Regulska




Mob.: 07452898981




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